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Join us in Fighting Amendment 4 

Check out our resources page to help you understand and explain why this Amendment is so dangerous to women.

The information in these resources  is taken from the following sources: Florida Supreme Court Advisory Opinion No. SC2023-1392 (including statements by Justice Jamie R. Grosshans, Florida Supreme Court Judge), Too extreme for Florida website, and The Florida Catholic Advocacy Network, the non-partisan public policy voice of the Catholic church in Florida. 

Take Action Immediately to Fight Amendment 4

  • Our bishops and priests can only do so much. We, the laity, must help them!

  • Request a friendly, supportive meeting with your pastor ASAP. If he is unaware of the statement from the FL Bishops, give him a copy. English - Spanish.                                               

  • Offer to help your inform your fellow parishioners. Priests dread the blowback from some parishioners, so this will probably be appreciated & they will have ideas.

  • Ask for a full-page bulletin announcement with the bishops’ statement & a pulpit announcement calling everyone's attention to it: "Our Florida bishops are opposing this and asking all Floridians to Vote NO on 4." Reminders will be needed!

  • Ask for frequent display of the beautiful graphic in English and Spanish from the FL bishops'prayer cards: on the parish homepage, social media, display screens, bulletin, etc.

  • Offer to obtain the prayer cards for distribution to parishioners through your diocesan Culture of Life office.

  • Ask for an information table after all Masses one weekend, soon, and regularly until the election, and at parish events, coffee & donuts, etc.

  • Ask for regular recitations of the prayer on the back of the bishops’ card. Ten minutes before all Masses or following all daily Masses.

  • Write to your bishop to request approved prayers of the faithful against Amendment 4 every Sunday.

  • Implore the bishop to personally speak out against it, both in person at Catholic events and by video. Ask him to please REQUIRE that every parish announce his exhortation to Vote NO on Amendment 4 and show his video.

Become the Parish Expert on Amendment 4

  • Download the PowerPoint on our resources page  composed of FLCCB-approved info.

  • Videos of pro life physicians giving the facts & countering the lies, coming soon! Use & share them!

  • Offer to speak at meetings of parish staff, ministries, deacons, youth and young adults, CCW, Knights of Columbus, Bible studies, etc.

  • Find fired-up allies among your Hispanic, Filipino, Creole or Portuguese parishioners who can inform and activate their communities. Keep them on board right up to Election Day. Make sure they know to Vote NO on Amendment 4.

Have Courageous Conversations

  • In conversation and social media, speak the truth in love.

  • Be strategic. To defeat Amendment 4, we must persuade the “squishy middle.”

  • Be gentle and remember most people are with us in opposing abortion up to birth (which is what Amendment 4 is all about), even those who favor early abortion. Respectfully urge them to Vote NO on 4.

  • Call out the deliberate lies that miscarriage care & ectopic pregnancy care will disappear if we defeat Amendment 4. See the Myth vs Fact handout on our Resources page.

  • Share factual videos by pro life physicians. Available soon on our Resources page.

  • The truth is our best weapon. Point people to the vague & deceptive ballot language itself. e.g. “health care provider” NOT physician, “parental notification” NOT consent. Then they will see for themselves it’s not what it seems. The PowerPoint & the one page abortion amendment explanation on our Resources page contain these examples & more.

  • Do battle against Amendment 4 on social media, using logos, videos & facts from our Resource page, or good memes & info put out by others.

  • Follow Vote No On 4 Florida on Facebook, @VoteNoOn4FL on X and VoteNoOn4FL on Instagram. “Like” and share their posts frequently.

  • Volunteer to help enter these platforms if you are skilled with social media. Click the JOIN US button on our homepage to connect!

  • Call out biased pro abortion talking points by the media in the comment boxes of news outlets running slanted stories about Amendment 4. Very impactful. Keep in mind that facts are more persuasive than snark.

  • Excellent talking points also are available at

  • Attend the Lake Eola Rosary @ 12 noon on the third Saturday of every month. Check our home page to confirm as sometimes the date moves.  Meet in the shady spot closest to the bandshell, 195 N.  Rosalind Ave. 

  • Lead your own prayer events and recruit a team of prayer warriors to do battle in your parish and spiritually support you every step of the way to November.

  • Make a donation to the parish to have Masses said specifically for "The Defeat of Abortion Amendment 4" or 'In reparation  for the evil of abortion.'

Don't lose hope! With God's help we can prevail in Florida!

“One of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the Lord your God who fights for you.”

Joshua 23:10

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