i4 Catholics
This process timeline shows why it's urgent that we tell our Florida family and friends NOW to DECLINE TO SIGN.
CONDENSED Bishops’ Decline to Sign message (for presider and screens)
Florida’s seven Catholic bishops have issued a joint statement urging Floridians to DECLINE TO SIGN petitions for a "Dangerous Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative," now being circulated by a group calling itself, Floridians Protecting Freedom. Here are the bishops’ words, which we have condensed for you. The full statement is in the bulletin.
“An extremely grave initiative is underway in Florida that seeks to erase pro-life protections by banning government regulation of abortion in our state constitution. Abortion activists are now working to gather petition signatures…
The amendment is deeply concerning because it will allow all abortions to be obtained until viability and includes a broad “health” loophole, essentiallyallowing abortion on demand up to birth. It would also hinder the Florida legislature’s ability to protect women and children from abortion and could nullify current laws…
Floridians should not sign the petition. Declining to sign is not impeding the democratic process; it is taking a stand against what would be a terrible state policy…
Please continue your prayers for the protection of the unborn and spread the word to your spheres of influence…”
Alternate text for pulpit and bulletin announcements:
Dear Friends,
There is an extremely grave ballot initiative, now underway in Florida, which seeks to erase pro-protections in Florida law and essentially allow abortion-on-demand up to birth. Our Catholic bishops are asking all Floridians to DECLINE TO SIGN, pray against this dangerous initiative, and spread the word about it in our spheres of influence.
Who is behind the abortion petition drive, its deceptive wording, and how Catholic lay people are mobilizing in response to the Florida bishops' leadership, are all explained in this short segment from Relevant Radio (Aug 2nd). The interview begins at the ten-minute mark. Adjust the timing bar at the bottom to fast forward.
Audio from Relevant Radio: Decline to Sign Campaign interview with Irene Sandler
For more details on the initiative https://floridavoicefortheunborn.com/decline-to-sign
And to have FREE informational postcards delivered right to your home,
CONTACT: Andrew@FloridaVoiceForTheUnborn.com