i4 Catholics

Irene, Christie, Eva & Mary Pam are canvassing to defeat Amendment 4! Want to help? To door-knock near you or phone-bank from home register at
From Our YouTube Channel

Bishop Gregory Parkes - 4 reasons to vote NO on Amendment 4

Dr Grazie Christie

Want to learn more about Florida Amendment 4 in detail?

Unpacking Florida Amendment 4

i4 Catholics Call Laity to
Battle Amendment 4
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this is our moment!
Catholic voters are numerous and diverse enough to be the decisive block that swings Florida for or against the extreme abortion-until-birth Amendment 4.
The Bad News
As you know by now the Florida Supreme Court has permitted a deceptively-worded proposal to appear on the November ballot. Amendment 4 changes the Florida Constitution to allow abortion even until the time of birth, if 60% of voters approve the measure in November.
The amendment also contradicts the precious, historic, God-given, guarantees under the Florida State Constitution that protect the rights of “all natural persons, male and female” to “enjoy and defend life and liberty” (Article 1, Section 2).
The Good News
Our Florida bishops have pledged to fight Amendment 4. See the Letter from the Bishops in English and in Spanish
Our bishops have provided beautiful VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 4 prayer cards, in English and Spanish, to all seven dioceses of Florida [see our Resources page] and encourage sharing on social media, text, posters, etc.
Respect Life volunteers at every parish in the state may contact their diocesan Culture of Life office to obtain the prayer cards free of charge.
JOIN US IN PRAYER each month at NOON!
September 21st
October 19th
Please join fellow Catholics for public recitation of 15 decades of the Holy Rosary, usually on the third Saturday of the month. Check here for updates. Meet us in the shady spot near the bandshell, 195 N. Rosalind Ave, Orlando, 32801. Just bring your Rosary and a chair, if needed.

Why Should Catholics Be Involved in Public Policy?
Vatican Decree on the Lay Vocation
“Since the laity, in accordance with their state of life, live in the midst of the world and its concerns, they are called by God to exercise their apostolate in the world like leaven, with the ardor of the spirit of Christ.”
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity